Sunday, April 26, 2009

Not My Average Sunday

I typically try to take it easy on Sundays, but today was uncharacteristically busy.  We spent three hours applying the second coat of paint to our bedroom--with our toddler underfoot and covered in paint!  After lunch I made a strawberry tart that I'd seen on the blog, Simple Mom. After naps for all of us, we enjoyed a slice of tart, served with honey-drizzled Greek yogurt.  All three of us ate multiple slices--it was that good.  We decided it was time to head outside and enjoy the lovely spring day, so we jumped on our bikes and went for a long ride. No, our 20-month old is not a bicycling phenom - we pull him in a bike trailer.  

When we returned it was time to prepare dinner:  baked cod seasoned with fresh thyme and salt and pepper, rice, green beans from our CSA box, and a salad of purple cabbage, diced apple, sliced orange, chopped walnuts, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt.  The salad recipe came in our CSA box along with the cabbage.  And it was in Danish!

After dinner, while my husband gave our son a bath, I made a loaf of Irish Soda Bread.  I'm sort of past my yearly craving for this bread, but my husband loves it.  Plus, we are out of bread, so it will be good for breakfast in the morning.

So, all things considered, not a lazy Sunday.

I'm not positive that it will happen this week, but my goal is to make madeleines using the silicone madeleine baking mold that my mother in law gave me for Christmas.  I also want to try my hand at Beef Bourguignon,  a recipe from Julie and Julia, the book I'm currently reading.

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